Creative Arts

"Ramayana!" 2023 Cast List

Congratulations students! Onward to the 44th annual “Ramayana!” Twelfth Grade Bella Goddess Pārvatī Cecily Princess Sītā Jacob Mārīcha, King Sugrīva Mariah Queen Mandodarī Sam Hanumān, Choreographer: Golden Deer Sandy Lord Ravana Sky Prince Akshya, Nikumba Zoey Prince Rāma  Eleventh Grade Anya Invocation,…

Growing Up in Santa Cruz, “The Excavators on the Playground,” by Lisa Catterall

Growing Up in Santa Cruz, February 2023. “The Excavators on the Playground,” by Lisa Catterall. I spent three years involved in writing and defending the California Preschool Foundations. State-sponsored preschool is a marvelous concept, and there were hundreds of well-intentioned people who…

Watsonville Watsonville Star Student Is Student Government President

Watsonville, 1/30/2023, “Watsonville Star Student Is Student Government President,” by Bea Karnes. WATSONVILLE, CA — Star Students are found in classrooms, on concert and theater stages and at debate lecterns, and out in the community doing good things to make life…