
A Spotlight on Creativity and Learning: 13th Annual Summit for the Planet Celebration and Eco-carnival

Place a marble in the chute and watch it speed along the highs, lows, twists and turns of themed, model rollercoasters! Stand trackside for the team-built solar car races! See customized, scale-model tiny homes and blueprints; or catch the “catwalk,” as young…

Enough to Eat: Students Study History, Food Insecurity and Visit Local Food Bank

We know that a peaceful world cannot long exist, one-third rich and two-thirds hungry. – Jimmy Carter, 39th United States president In their world history class, Mount Madonna School (MMS) seventh grade students recently learned about medieval Europe and the social structure of…

Chocolate Mousse and Kitchen Organization: Guest Chef Shares Culinary Advice as Seniors Prepare for March 9 Maitri Fundraiser Dinner

Recently, the twelfth grade culinary studies class at Mount Madonna School (MMS) had the “sweet treat” of preparing and sampling chocolate mousse under the guidance of guest chef David Jackman. Jackman is the owner of Chocolate the Restaurant in Santa Cruz. “David…

International Otter Survival Fund newsletter: Children Helping Monitor Sea Otter Disturbance in California

International Otter Survival Fund newsletter, number 97, January 2019, “Children helping monitor sea otter disturbance in California.” This organization is based on the Isle of Skye near Scotland’s northwest coast. Fifth graders from Mount Madonna School joined a Sea Otter Savvy programme…