Middle School

A Spotlight on Creativity and Learning: 13th Annual Summit for the Planet Celebration and Eco-carnival

Place a marble in the chute and watch it speed along the highs, lows, twists and turns of themed, model rollercoasters! Stand trackside for the team-built solar car races! See customized, scale-model tiny homes and blueprints; or catch the “catwalk,” as young…

Abolition, Revolution and the Roots of Democracy: Eighth Grade Boston History Tour

An opportunity to support classroom-based learning  with a visit to sites and locations of historical significance can make a lasting educational impression on students. To that end, Mount Madonna School’s upper school history faculty are planning a learning journey with the eighth…

Enough to Eat: Students Study History, Food Insecurity and Visit Local Food Bank

We know that a peaceful world cannot long exist, one-third rich and two-thirds hungry. – Jimmy Carter, 39th United States president In their world history class, Mount Madonna School (MMS) seventh grade students recently learned about medieval Europe and the social structure of…