Performing Arts

Student Spotlight: Miles Wayne

Name, age, grade, city of residence:
Miles Wayne, 18, grade 12, Watsonville
Who or what inspires you? 
My parents, and musicians and artists that have reached their goals through hard work inspire me. Musicians, including Kanye West, Tyler the Creator and David Bowie give me a lot of creative inspiration.
What is your favorite subject in school, and why? 

Ramayana 2015 Photos Available

The reviews are in and the audience says “Fabulous!”
Ramayana! 2015 was amazing from top to bottom, from forest animals to guards and dancers, to demons and monkeys  and all of the royalty, tribes and colorful characters, the vibrant sets, lighting, makeup,  band, choir and spectacular costumes and dedicated directors, crew and volunteers!  Kudos, one and all!

Honoring Excellence: Students Receive Academic and Pillar Awards – 2015

Pillar Awards

Mount Madonna School is continuing the tradition started in 2013, of presenting awards to students in middle and high school whose achievement in one of the areas of our school’s “Three Pillars” – Academic Excellence, Creative Self-Expression and Positive Character Development – was outstanding. These three areas are equally important to success at Mount Madonna School – and, indeed, in the world.
The students who received these awards are the following:

Positive Character Development