High School

Talking Summit for the Planet with Senior Lexi Julien

What is the Summit for the Planet and why might you encourage people (especially families) to attend?
Summit for the Planet is an annual walk-a-thon and environmental festival held up at Mount Madonna School (MMS). Every April, the MMS community and more gather up on the mountaintop for a day of walking in the redwoods, listening to music, and participating in environmentally conscious activities.

An Exchange of Ideas and Values: Woodside Priory Visits MMS

The concept of value is often used in connection to material possessions, as opposed to more intangible entities such as education and learning. What would happen, then, if high school students were asked to first define this concept of value for themselves and continually return to and reflect upon that definition in the classroom and infuse it into their own studies?

Thinking About the Future: Parents Present Career Forum for Students

THANK YOU to everyone who made our Career Forum another great success! A special thank you goes to our Planning Committee and Participants for their invaluable contribution. It was fun, engaging and a wonderful learning experience. It takes a great amount of time and energy to plan and execute this wonderful event so please know that it is of great value to and appreciated by our student community.

Finding Joy: High School Seniors Journey to India

O n March 27, sixteen Mount Madonna School (MMS) seniors departed on an adventure that will take them half way around the world to New Delhi, India. For the students it will be a significant journey to another culture, where they will experience a society that is far older and quite different from what they are used to: different in language, history, food, religion and social customs.

Students Collect Donations for Colombian Indigenous Schools

As part of a project in their Spanish classes at Mount Madonna School (MMS), eighth through eleventh grade students are seeking donations of school supplies and used clothing for students at two indigenous schools, the Arhuacan school, La Institucion Etnoeducativa Tairona de Bunkwimake and the Wiwa school, Zalemaku de Sertuga, located in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia.

Beautiful, Brave and Inspired: Students Prepare for Creative Writing Reading

The Mount Madonna School (MMS) high school Creative Writing Reading is an annual event where students, faculty, parents and friends gather together to listen to our student writers read their works. Mark your calendars and save the date! This year it’s planned for Friday, March 20 from 7:00-9:00pm in the Assembly Room at the Upper Campus. 

World Religions Class Visits the New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur

Last week, the seniors’ World Religions class, led by teachers Dayanand Diffenbaugh and Shannon Kelly, journeyed to the New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur for a glimpse into the world of Christianity in a monastery setting.
They were met by MMS friend, Fr. Cyprian Consiglio, now Prior of this Benedictine hermitage, who previously has come to MMS many times as a guest of Diffenbaugh’s during the class’ unit on Christianity.