Hawk News

Ramayana Casting Reflections

With the Ramayana audition process completing, it is appropriate to acknowledge the challenges of casting both for performers and directors. For some, this will not be a big issue, while others may experience disappointment. The key is finding a way to move forward positively. Most of us have heard the statement before – every role is pivotally important – and while a bit of a cliché, it is proven true. Staring at the cast list, you will simply see a character title or group (like Demon Choir, Monkey or Demon) by your name. We may want to quickly categorize our roles as good or bad.

"Ramayana!" 2011 Information

Welcome to the wonder that is the Mount Madonna School Ramayana!

Whether you are a first-timer or a returning veteran, be prepared for an exciting experience of growth, challenge and fun! Being in a play, and helping to produce a play, are major commitments that demand a great amount of personal time and effort. The key is to invest fully in the proceedings and enjoy the creative process of discovery all the way through our children’s wonderful performances.

Stanford Research Institute to bring STORE to MMS

Mount Madonna’s High School science classes will be piloting a series of lessons developed by Stanford Research Institute (SRI) under a grant from the National Science Foundation.  Four years ago, Science Teacher Lisa Catterall asked a class to compile temperature and precipitation data to look for a quantitative answer to the supposed “global warming debate” in our local area.  The data was very hard to find and even more difficult to translate.  SRI noticed around the same time that weather statistics compiled by NASA and the National Weather Service w