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About Mount Madonna

Mount Madonna School is a Preschool through 12th grade Independent School, fully accredited by WASC and CAIS. We are a community of learners. We support our students to become caring, self-aware and articulate critical thinkers.

Located on 380 acres on the summit of Mount Madonna, between Gilroy and Watsonville, Mount Madonna School pursues our mission and values through the integration of Academic Excellence, Creative Self-Expression and Positive Character Development. This integration brings depth, meaning and enthusiasm to learning.

Welcome from Ann Goewert, Head of School

Compassion, curiosity, creativity, a discerning mind and leadership are characteristics of Mount Madonna students. During these unusual times, the best investment in our society is educating our children; and Mount Madonna School (MMS) is in an unparalleled position to continue offering an innovative, in-person educational experience from dynamic and caring educators.

As you explore our website, enjoy a personal Zoom tour of our campus, and meet our faculty and students, we hope you will begin to envision your place here at MMS.

When current parents tell us why they choose MMS, they often refer to the community, the natural environment, our academic program and our graduates.

Community: Since its inception more than 40 years ago, MMS has grown and thrived through a web of meaningful relationships. Parents, students, faculty and staff work together to be deeply respectful and caring. We are a small school where every person is known, and every person matters.

Environment: Our mountaintop campus is 380 acres of meadow and woodland – parents describe it as a haven where children and families can slow down and appreciate the wonders of our natural world. While it is less convenient than a school down the street, this setting not only contributes to the safety and peace that are essential to the learning that occurs here, but it also provides opportunities for hands-on outdoor education.

Academic Program: Mount Madonna School empowers faculty to teach with passion and create meaningful learning experiences geared to encourage intellectual inquiry and creative self-expression. By engaging in Academics, Arts, Athletics, Learning Journeys, and outdoor adventure, students develop new capacities, discover new talents, identify passions and build confidence. We cultivate in our students a love of learning that extends beyond their years at MMS.

Graduates: Many parents have said the qualities they see in our juniors, seniors and graduates convinced them to choose MMS. These young adults know and respect themselves and they care deeply about others and the larger world. Our graduates are committed to being successful in ways that are meaningful and sustainable – making lasting contributions in science, medicine, law, business, education and the arts. They are articulate, gracious, thoughtful and caring human beings.

It is difficult to choose a school. As you look at your options, which one calls to you? Where do you see your child truly flourishing? Where do you see your family being nourished and supported? We hope you will consider Mount Madonna School the right choice for your child and your family.

– Ann Goewert, Ph.D, Head of School

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